Public Relations Week 4

The Power of Language

Language is Power and finding the right spin but underdtanding the language and how it affects public opinion. Can be seen as more powerful than armed forces and but must be done the right way as words can be harmful.

Rhetorical-words and symbols (semiotics) to persuade, convince and achieve.

Rhetorical Power/Source Credibility/Two-step-flow– People who are rich or famous or have much influence on public opinion have rhetorical power and can easily persuade public opinion. People believe them because they may seem like an expert or they value their opinion.

Major Communications Foundations


  • Know the audience message and plan it well
  • Understand Grunig
  • Understand media framing
  • Understand media theories


Using media is a powerful responsibly and therefore everything must be accurate. However the media can ‘twist’ things out of reality into a ‘perceived reality’. They can turn things into ‘infotainment’ instead of factual news. For example- why is obesity a crisis?

Framing Devices

  • history/tradition
  • conflict
  • power
  • winning/loosing
  • fault/blaming
  • money as a measure
  • fear/shock
  • celebrities
  • emotion

Words- words can sometimes become associated with other things that are not accuate or always true. For example when you think of geeks you think of ‘smart’ and when you think of refugee you think of ‘illegal’.

Agenda Setting– what is dominant in the news or under discussion can be part of setting up agendas for something else. For example when an election is coming up there would be more discussion about politics than there usually is on the news.

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